Monday, August 24, 2009

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Twitter Is A Cool Word.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 02:00 PM PDT

I was just thinking about the entire concept of Twitter. Whoever made the word, Twitter, was a genius. There’s so many things you can do with the word Twitter. For instance, the act of using Twitter is called “tweeting”. When someone is addicted to Twitter you call them a “twit”.  Then there’s the applications such as

Twitteriffic, Twhirl, Tweetdeck, Twellow, Twubble, Twitdir, Twitscoop, Twitterment, Twitbuzz, Tweetmeme, Twitterverse, Twitstat, Twitterholic, Twitrank, Twemes, Serendipitwiterrous, Tweetwire, Twitturls, Twitterlinkr, Twittearth, GeoTwitterous, TwitSpy, Twi8r, Phweet, Tweet2tweet, Twalala, My Tweeple, Qwitter, Twitterless, Twitterator, Twitter100, Twitterlex, Twitterfeed, Loudtwitter, TwittTwoo, WordTwit, PingTwitter, Twibler, Twizon, iTwitter, Twitku, Twitget, Twitt, Twittertise, Twittpoll, TweetBurner, TwitterGrader, Twitfluence, Tweeple Twak, TwitGraph, Tweet140, TwitterRatio, Twittad, Twignature, Twitpic, Snaptweet, Twixr, Twiddeo, Twitplus, Twittershare, Twixxer, TweetCube, Pikter, Twittermail, OuTwit, Vtwitter, Mail2twitter, Twittytunes, Tweetake, Twitspam, TwitterIM, TwitterYM, Twessenger, Twit4live, TikiTwit, Twitterific, Tweet-r, Twidget, Twhirl, Twinja, Snitter, Pwytter, Teletwitter, Twitterlicious, Twitteroo, Twadget, Twitgit, ZenTwitter, Twitux, Gtwitter, Tweeter, Twitterpod, Twittereeze,TwitKit, Twitterfox, Twitbin, Twitterbar, Tweetbar, Twippera, Twitzer, Twitterlights, Twitterbook, Twitterline, Twitterfone, Twitsay, Itwtr, and so much more!

That just goes to show how amazing the concept of Twitter is. You can change the word, skew it, stretch it, step on it, chew it up, spit it out, and throw it at old man Jenkins next door. There is no end to the possibilities of what you can do with the single word. So remember; if you ever make a website that will become very popular and famous, give it a catch name for people to butcher.

Mucho gracias to Davyxaddy for this wonderful picture. If I ever made something as big as Twitter, I would make the name Camzy.

Camzy is a cool word.

What would you call your amazing genius idea?

Posted in Funny