Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There's a new post on The Panic Button!

There's a new post on The Panic Button!

Link to The Panic Button!

A Thought To Ponder…

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 08:57 PM PDT

The human body is an extraordinary thing. It’s more complex than any factory, yet more compact than most pieces of machinery. If you were to line all your blood vessels, they would circle the earth twice. As always, the topic of my post has little to nothing to do with the previous facts. So you come home after a long day of sports practices and decide to take a shower. When you take care of some business, then step into the shower and run the water, the first thing you do (usually) is either shampoo or wash your body with soap. Today I was in this situation and a thought struck me. I had the loofa in one hand, dripping with soap. At the same time I had suds of shampoo sneaking nearer to my eyes. What if these were switched? What if I was lathering my hair with soap, and the rest of my body with shampoo? Would the soap have a negative or positive affect on my hair? Would the shampoo do my skin any good in any way?

There’s something to ponder Wednesday morning.

Posted in Funny

Welcome Back!

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 02:02 PM PDT

Hey people, what’s crackin? You know what I love to see? When Google’s logo has been changed.

400th Anniversary of Galileo's Telescope

I tried to think of why they changed it today. I gave up, and clicked the logo.

Exactly 400 years ago today, on 25 August 1609, the Italian astronomer and philosopher Galilei Galileo showed Venetian merchants his new creation, a telescope – the instrument that was to bring him both scientific immortality and, more immediately, a whole lot of trouble.

Woah. Check out this video. It’s an amazing stop motion movie using LEGOs. It took about a year to complete this project. It also took one extremely bored person.

We all know what pick-pocketers are. They’re people who can sneakily steal things from you very easily without you noticing. There’s now people called put-pocketers. They actually put money into people’s pockets! Check out this video from the UK.

Isn’t that so nice! Check out today’s blog of the day…


We also hit

490,000 hits!

We’re that much closer to half a million, yay! Here’s three facts.

  1. You can’t lick all your teeth
  2. Now you look funny because you tried it.
  3. Now you’re smiling.

Don’t you love mass text message forwards?

Posted in Funny