Monday, February 14, 2011

Your Joke of the Day from Funny Joke Rating

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A Catholic priest is walking down the street one day when he sees a little kid sitting on the sidewalk holding a jar of clear liquid.

"Blessings, my son" says the priest - "What have you there?"

"Heya Fadda" replies the kid. "In dis here jar I gots da most powerful liquid in da whole world!"

"And what is that?" asks the priest.

"Turpentine!" says the kid.

"Oh, no no no my son!" admonished the priest. "Everyone knows that Holy Water is the most powerful liquid on earth. Why, just one drop of it in the belly button of a pregnant woman, and she'll pass a perfect child!"

"Awww, dat ain't nuttin, Fadda" said the kid. "You put one droppa DIS stuff on a cat's ass, and he'll pass a motorcycle!!"

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